💃Metabolism Makeover doors are OPEN through July 31 💃Metabolism Makeover doors are OPEN through July 31 💃Metabolism Makeover doors are OPEN through July 31 💃Metabolism Makeover doors are OPEN through July 31 💃Metabolism Makeover doors are OPEN through July 31 💃Metabolism Makeover doors are OPEN through July 31 💃Metabolism Makeover doors are OPEN through July 31 💃Metabolism Makeover doors are OPEN through July 31 💃Metabolism Makeover doors are OPEN through July 31 💃Metabolism Makeover doors are OPEN through July 31 💃Metabolism Makeover doors are OPEN through July 31 💃Metabolism Makeover doors are OPEN through July 31 💃Metabolism Makeover doors are OPEN through July 31 💃Metabolism Makeover doors are OPEN through July 31 💃Metabolism Makeover doors are OPEN through July 31 💃Metabolism Makeover doors are OPEN through July 31 💃

What does VIP stand for?

Vision – share with us exactly what you want you life, body, and health to look like

Implementation – personalized game plan to help you achieve your vision

  1. If your main goal is weight loss and food freedom, we’ll work together to:
  2. increasing your protein, adding in the foods you love (like bread and chocolate), breaking through emotional eating and self sabotage, life-hacking your busy schedule to make time for yourself
  3. If you’re in peri/menopause and want realistic weight loss + hormone balance, we’ll work together to:
  4. increase protein, increase estrogen detox foods (like carrots and broccoli), lift heavy weights, support your liver
  5. We’ll also highly suggest you complete a DUTCH test with us, which helps us pin-point exactly what’s going on with your hormones
  6. If you have PCOS, blood sugar irregularity, acne, or crappy periods, we’ll work together to:
  7. increase specific nutrients you’re depleted in, balance your gut biome, create a realistic nutrition protocol that works for your life, create a targeted short-term supplement protocol
  8. We’ll also do 2 labs (hair mineral test + GI map) so we can get to the root cause of exactly what’s causing your weight loss resistance

Patterns – helping you finally get the results you want by being consistency

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